10:08 - 17/09/2020
Solution of LC-310 High-Efficiency Liquid Chromato
CPSC : Consumer Product Safety Commission
CPSIA: Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act
HR4040:The number of the CPSIA
(Note: One Hundred Tenth Congress of the United States of America at the second session began and held at the city of Washinton on Thirsday, the third day of January, 2008.)
Terms: Children’s Product: Children’s Product refrers to the consumable products specially designed for the children under 12. 。
Children’s Toy: Children’s Toy refers to the consumable products designed by the manufacturers for the Children who are 12 or under 12/
Children nursing product: Children nursing product refres to the consumable products designed by the manufacturers to help the the children under 3 fall asleep, eat, suck or grind his teeth, ect.
The main contents of the H.R. 4040
1. It is not allowed to sell the goods whose lead content is overproof to the children under 12. The lead limit is 600ppm, beginning 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. It will be 300ppm beginning on the date that is one year after the enactment of the Act. The lead limit will be 100ppm beginning on the date that is three year after the enactment of the Act. The CPSC has the right to make any change on the lead content restricted in the Children’s Product.
2. The lead content of the furniture, toys and other Children’s products will be reduced from 0.06% to 0.009%. This will begin 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. If the above is possilbe, the CPSC will make harder standard within 3 years.
3 .The CPSC has the right to postphone the effective date to 180 days on condition that the Cmmission consider that this will not do influence the health and safety of the people and the manufacturers cannot meet the new standards within the original time limit or it is too expernsive to carry out the new standard or they need more time to carry out the new standard and find out the most suitable testing method.
4. All the native products or imported products aim for the children who are 12 or below shoud independently get the Third-Party Testing and the certificate from the Third-Party Testing, This Act will come come into effect one year later after it is issued.
5. All the Children Product manufacturers shall place permanent, distinguishing marks on the products and its packaging to ascertain the location and date of the production of the product. This Act will come come into effect one year later after it is issued.
6.All the manufacturers of these 12 children durable product, such as children bed, baby bad, ect should provide the customer with the stamp paid and surreptitious form. This will be quite convenient to inform the customers when recall the products. Beside that, the CPSC shall issue a compellent standard for those 12 products and carry it out within one year. After this, the CPSC should also issue at least regulation every 6 months.
7. The CPSC must estimate the result of the Toy Safety Standard(F963-07 of ASMT). This will help to know the scope that covened by this standard and whether this standard will be sufficient enough to the saftety of the children.
8. In the fiscal year of 2009, Skyray’s fund contributed to CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) will increase to 80 million US dollars, and this amount will be 80 million US dollars and 100 million US dollars respectively for the fiscal year of 2009 and 2011 and during this period, another 20 million US dollars will be allocated to maintain the testing laboratory of CPSC.
9. Simplify the product security certification and reclaimer, CPSC has the right to reclaim forcibly.
10. Importers, retailers and distributors must provide manufacturer’s name, address or other materials, which are considered to be able to identify a manufacturer. Each manufacturer must also provide materials to identify the retailers, distributors or subcontractors which receive its products.
11. CPSC is entitled to forbid the export of consumer goods which are not allowed to sell in the US. Unless importing country get advice in advance, otherwise manufacturer must not export the following products: (1) Products which fail to correspond with consumer product safety regulations. (2) Products that are reclaimed forcibly or voluntarily. (3) Products which could bring immediate danger to public health and safety (4) Products that are listed as hazardous and forbidden to sell.
12. All consumer products, which have been reclaimed or are hazardous and forbidden to sell or violate safety standards, are forbidden to sell, resell, produce or import.
13. When violating Consumer Product Safety Act, Federal Flammable Fabrics Act or Federal Hazardous Substance Act, the upper limit of civil penalty sum will be raised to 10 million US dollars.
14.When any regulation of CPSC is violated, forfeiture of assets could be included in the civil penalty.
15. All State Attorney Generals are authorized to take action to enforce consumer product safety laws and regulations
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